
Sunday, 8 September 2013

DIY face toner

This has been a very busy week! Between work, house chores, cooking, the boyfriends birthday, and my new crossfit addiction, I have not had any time to whip up a recipe of face toner. I have been going without it for over two weeks now and my face is paying for waiting that long. I have very sensitive skin... it's not dry but can be, it's not oily but I get occasional spots, when it's cold in the winter it goes crazy....pfffffffff!! My skin regimen has changed in the last couple months. I have tried many products for sensitive skin and always find them too harsh even though they are meant to be soothing. So now, I go as natural as I can. I will post my morning and night face routine very soon.

Back to toner! There are many recipes out there. I took the time to read alot and do a little reasearch on the subject. I came up with a simple 3 ingredients recipe for my new toner:

Rosemary Peppermint Honey Diy Face Toner


- 1 rosemary sprig
- 1 white tea with peppermint bag (you could use one white tea bag plus one peppermint infusion bag if you can't find the same I use)
- Raw honey
- 1 container of your choice ( I use my old Lush toner container)
- 1 small funnel

1- boil water
2- make yourself a cup of tea (not for drinking)
3- add your sprig of rosemary to your cup of tea

4- let everything sit for 4 minutes
5- toss the rosemary and tea bag away
6- let the tea get to room temperature (I puit mine in the freezer for 7 minutes)
7- then add a teaspoon of raw honey

8- stir for one minute, then using the funnel pour into the container of your choice

*I keep mine in the fridge, the coolness of the toner on the face feels really good! After 2 weeks, I make a new recipe*

I chose raw honey (has not been heated, pasterized, or processed in any way) for its many beneficial properties: it contains vitamins and anti-oxydants and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It leaves the skin soft and smooth and is an effective treatment for your occasional spots.

White tea is rich in anti-oxydants that will protect the skin.

Peppermint tea will soothe skin irritations... and smells divine!

Rosemary is rich in vitamins and anti-oxydants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and used on the skin will provide you with a healthy glow. And once again, smells so good!!!

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