
Sunday, 8 September 2013

DIY face toner

This has been a very busy week! Between work, house chores, cooking, the boyfriends birthday, and my new crossfit addiction, I have not had any time to whip up a recipe of face toner. I have been going without it for over two weeks now and my face is paying for waiting that long. I have very sensitive skin... it's not dry but can be, it's not oily but I get occasional spots, when it's cold in the winter it goes crazy....pfffffffff!! My skin regimen has changed in the last couple months. I have tried many products for sensitive skin and always find them too harsh even though they are meant to be soothing. So now, I go as natural as I can. I will post my morning and night face routine very soon.

Back to toner! There are many recipes out there. I took the time to read alot and do a little reasearch on the subject. I came up with a simple 3 ingredients recipe for my new toner:

Rosemary Peppermint Honey Diy Face Toner


- 1 rosemary sprig
- 1 white tea with peppermint bag (you could use one white tea bag plus one peppermint infusion bag if you can't find the same I use)
- Raw honey
- 1 container of your choice ( I use my old Lush toner container)
- 1 small funnel

1- boil water
2- make yourself a cup of tea (not for drinking)
3- add your sprig of rosemary to your cup of tea

4- let everything sit for 4 minutes
5- toss the rosemary and tea bag away
6- let the tea get to room temperature (I puit mine in the freezer for 7 minutes)
7- then add a teaspoon of raw honey

8- stir for one minute, then using the funnel pour into the container of your choice

*I keep mine in the fridge, the coolness of the toner on the face feels really good! After 2 weeks, I make a new recipe*

I chose raw honey (has not been heated, pasterized, or processed in any way) for its many beneficial properties: it contains vitamins and anti-oxydants and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It leaves the skin soft and smooth and is an effective treatment for your occasional spots.

White tea is rich in anti-oxydants that will protect the skin.

Peppermint tea will soothe skin irritations... and smells divine!

Rosemary is rich in vitamins and anti-oxydants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and used on the skin will provide you with a healthy glow. And once again, smells so good!!!

Monday, 2 September 2013

DIY eye makeup remover

In the past months I have been reading alot of DIY recipes for beauty products. The main reason is that I beleive I should know exactly what I put on my face every day. I was raised reading food labels. I was taught at a very young age that my body absorbs what I feed it (inside out) whether it is the food I eat or the products I use on my hair, face and body in general. To be frank, I always had the thought in the back of my mind but never really gave it any importance whatsoever.

A couple of weeks ago I decided I would make big changes in my lifestyle for my own benefit and also my daughters. My father gave me so much information all my life to help me make the right choices and I just never put all this knowledge to good use. I will elaborate on all these changes in the next weeks but right now since I had a little diy recipe to whip up today and I thought I would share it with you. My daughter and I ran out of eye makeup remover. We have been using our homemade version for over two months now and we love it!!! I have sensible eyes and any kind of store bought eye makeup remover always makes my eyes tingle and often burn even making the delicate skin around the eye area all red. And when I happen to find one that doesn't hurt my eyes I am faced with another problem: I can't get rid of my mascara properly and end up literally scrubbing my eyes of my face!!!

After doing some research on DIY recipes, I got inspired to try combining olive oil and rose water to make our eye makeup remover. Olive oil is known to help breakdown makeup and impurities. This is what will work on that mascara we love so much. It wont clog pores and will keep the delicate skin around the eye hydrated. I used some organic olive oil... the same I eat every day in the salad dressing I make!

Rosewater is moisturizing and it acts as an anti-inflammatory, soothing the delicate eye area. It is often found in beauty products. As the olive oil, rosewater is a source of antioxidants and is known beneficial to sensitive skins.


- Olive Oil (organic if possible)
- Rosewater
- Travel shampoo containers

*Fill your container accordingly: 1/3 olive oil and 2/3 rosewater.

I made two bottles, one for my daughter and one for myself. The oil and rosewater don't mix together as you can see in the bottle on the left. Give it a good shake (as seen in the right bottle) before pouring a couple drops on your cotton pad. I like putting the damp cotton pad on my eye and holding it there for a couple seconds before I wipe off the makeup... just to let it attack my mascara properly. My eye area is left with no trace of makeup at all. I sometimes wait up to 30 minutes after I washed my face to put on my skincare products (lotion and all) and my eye area still feels hydrated after all that time! It is better for my delicate eyes and better for the wallet. My daughter loves it as well! Eyes are happy, daughter is happy, wallet is happy and so am I!