
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Some time off

Today is the last day of my summer vacation time... Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off . I accomplished plenty during that time: forgetting what day we were, living without a schedule, eating when hungry, sleeping when needed... I wish this lifestyle could go on another week! This years vacation was some time off everything. I stayed home, not  knowing what the next day would bring. I realise now how much I was tiered and how much my body and mind needed a break. I slept a whole lot during these two weeks (4 hour naps in the afternoon and full nights sleep) and even today I feel my body still needs some rest. I honestly thought I took time to breathe here and there but realise I just DIDN'T. These two weeks inspired a change in my lifestyle and I will share my thoughts and experiences on the subject in the months to come right here with you all.

I must mention I did have some good time in the past two weeks. It wasn't all about sleeping. I saw some friends, went for a couple walks, and took a couple pictures for future inspiration...

A fun little project: I have been seeing these origami crane mobiles here and there on the web. Thought I'd make my own while watching Gilmore Girls... had my little work station and some good tea for company:

Lovely walk in a park with my dad, taking pictures along the way for color inspiration:

An afternoon with a friend in a ceramic shop, working on a car coffee mug project and sipping some pretty fancy coffees:

Bought some new tea:

And to finish my vacation, another nap on the couch with this little guy... This is Jack. He was happy to have some company for his afternoon ritual snooze:

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Homemade Granola

As a kid I used to love granola. With time I stopped eating it because store bought granola sometimes tastes too sweet or even old. The boyfriend eats granola on weekdays along with some yogurt and fresh fruit and we buy some frequently. Each time I'm surprised at how expensive granola is. For the fun of it, I started surfing the net reading recipes and I got inspired! Yesterday I came up with my own concoction. I went to our health store and bought organic ingredients. Here is my recipe:


n.b. every item below is organic

4 cups rolled oats
1 cup barley flakes
2 cups corn puffs (plain natural, no sugar added)

1 cup roasted coconut flakes
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (plain natural)
1/2 cup sunflour seeds (plain natural)
1 cup banana chips
1/2 cup dried pineapple
1/2 cup dried papaya

1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 cup pure maple syrup

*preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius*

1- Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl except dried fruit (put these aside for now).
2- Add in your oils and maple syrup and fold until all dry ingredients are covered.
3- Line 2 baking sheets with parchemin paper, pour and spread half of your mixture on each one.
4- Put both baking sheets in the oven for 1 hour total or until the mixture is dry. Every 20 minutes give your mixture a stir and alternate the baking sheets on you two levels in the oven  so they both get the same degree of heat.
5- Once done, let cool on the baking sheets for 10 minutes then divide and spread your dried fruits on your granola. Let cool completely.
6- Put in a an air tight container. I keep mine on the counter because it is going away fast but you could always freeze part of it if you don't eat it in the next two weeks.

This granola is my first batch! I might put a little less maple syrup next time though it's not that sweet... Doesn't taste old like the store bought kind.. and I like knowing I chose the best ingredients I could!


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Delicious fast and hearty breakfast!

Breakfast is without a doubt my favorite meal of the day! I love weekend breakfasts with their 1001 things to eat even though preparing them is alot of work... On week days I like to keep it simple. I wake up early and have lots to do before leaving the house... Oatmeal is always a winner when time is an issue and a bowl of porridge will definately keep the tummy satisfied till lunch time! Here for you is my goto recipe (my favorite and boyfriend is a fan also!):

Jenny's Apple Pie Oatmeal Recipe (serves 2)

You will need:

2 cups rolled oats
1 apple (cored and diced)
Maple Syrup

1- Put oats in a saucepan, cover with milk and add a pinch of salt. Add 1/4 cup of maple syrup. Cook on medium heat mixing every minute or so with a wooden spoon. This will give you a very nice textured porridge and it won't stick to the bottom of the sauce pan. Cook until desired consistency. Put aside. 

2- Put the apple cubes in a non stick pan with a tablespoon of butter and cinnamon to the taste. Cook on medium high heat for about 5 minutes tossing the apples around every thirty seconds. After the 3 first minutes of cooking, add 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. The juices of the apple mixed with the maple syrup will transform into a gooey sweet sauce to drizzle over the porridge before eating it.

To serve, divide the oatmeal into two bols, top with the apples and drizzle on top the juices that are left from cooking the apples. Pure deliciousness!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, 5 August 2013

The sea and I...

I find the sea has soothing properties for the soul. As a child I used to say I came from the sea, that there was a special bond between us. I believed the sea had her own personality and that I spoke her language. I grew up playing on the beach with my friends and I remember my dad would pick me up from school  at lunch time to go eat lobster looking at the waves sitting in the sand... not talking, just enjoying the beauty before us (a couple seagulls waiting close by desperately hoping we leave a little snack behind). On rainy days I loved my beach! I would run after the waves and let them chase me back to shore. They always won the race, filling my rainboots with water... that was the fun part! Today I don't live by the sea I once knew but still visit once a year. The first thing I do when I arrive and after giving my grandma a big hug is go sit in the sand, close my eyes, listen to the waves and breathe in the same rythm as my friend the sea... listening to her stories... letting her heal my soul...

She is the one responsible for one of my passions... collecting rocks and little treasures she leaves behind. I have been doing that for as long as I remember. I still have all the little rocks, pieces of sea glass and little tiny seashells I gathered as a child. And today I still go on the hunt for new additions to my collection every time I have a chat with the sea. I store my treasures in glass jars and use them as bookends or just lay them out for me to touch and see. I don't hunt for paticular things, just what's pretty to my eye. Here are some of my favorites of the moment:

I can't wait to go treasure hunting once again! It's been a year already! I can't wait to listen to a new chapter of  a story that has been writing itself for 35 years...